Today I took a decision. Or actually, I took the decision yesterday night in my bed and then promised myself to announce it yesterday but then I didn’t because I felt vulnerable about it. But today I took a deep breath and changed my web page.
What is it?
I will create a new format around the 100 Day Warrior! Now I will not offer one but TWO 100 Day Warrior programs! I named it 100 Day Spiritual Warrior. It still focused on the combination of meditation, physical fitness and a healthy diet but this time I leave the physical training more to the responsibility of the participants.
My idea is to target the 100 Day Spiritual Warrior at young professionals. They are between 20 and 30 and find themselves trying to figure out the rat race. The work for companies with a sustainable profile but they realize that even working for the good guys can drain a person. Or they have started their first company and have a hard time synchronizing their ideals with hash reality.
What I hope is to find a group of kind-hearted and intelligent people who feel something burning inside. They know it is there and they know it wants to come out. The 100 Day Spiritual Warrior will focus less on transforming the body but more on building a tribe. Hopefully we can find time to train as group. In the previous editions, what I call now the 100 Day Warrior Premium, my participants had very busy schedules. They had money but no time. I want my aspiring warriors to have more time therefore the 100 Day Spiritual Warrior is A LOT CHEAPER!
We need people that have the courage to transform the paradigm we live in. It takes tremendous effort to overcome our habitual patterns. Our ignorance, greed and fear constantly guide us towards safe and selfish decisions, thus keeping the status quo in place. We need people around us who encourage us when we feel alone or disappointed. It is hard to change something by yourself but if you have a group of like-minded and open-hearted people who have your back you have a force to contend with. That force should be aimed at a noble goal. The 100 Day Warrior programs try to achieve exactly that: to unleash a combined force of primordial goodness, translated into inspiration and transformed into social impact. If we can change ourselves we can change our paradigm.
Do you feel the call? Do you have the courage to step up and join me on a life-changing journey?
I would like to share the following video. It gives you an impression of the previous course. On Day 93 we celebrated our Rebirth. Let yourself be inspired. And then click on this link to sign up.
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