Aaaaaaaannd.. life looks completely different again!
Yesterday I wrote about somebody close to me who was recently diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo tests to see if there were metastases in her lymphatic system. If the answer had been yes it would mean that her days were numbered.
Today I was having a post workout cappuccino (don’t do that, better drink coffee before your workout) and intended to work in the coffee shop where I was at. Yesterday’s story was still pretty close to me but I wanted to pick things up were I left. My idea was to write about vision and intentions. But it didn’t go that way.
First, when I opened my inbox I saw a long email from a reader who was touched by yesterday’s story. She said “Every time you share your knowledge with the people like the friend you spoke of in your blog yesterday, you’re giving them a gift they’ll have for life. It’s a beautiful, selfless gift. One I hope you’ll continue to share with others”. Well, that was very nice of her to say that. But it made me reflect on yesterday again and I had different ideas.
Then I received a text message:
Clean! Clean! The scan was completely clean! Yay! Good news! (…) Only one minor treatment and this whole episode is water under the bridge! Hurray! And hurray for your guided meditations! Xx
Fuck. She made me cry again. Only this time in a crowded coffee shop and from joy and gratitude. The relief I felt was amazing. It was very strange to feel limited in the expression of my happiness. What was appropriate? Containing the energy or boldly releasing and sharing it? I looked around me with my tear-filled eyes and realized that nobody else’s life had changed so drastically. For them the place was the same as 30 seconds ago, for me it felt totally different. My energy was rushing through my body and I wanted to jump around and celebrate. Buying the whole place a round of coffee crossed my mind. Funny enough I also felt the urge to buy brownies or apple pie or something. It seemed the only way to give myself the feeling that I was celebrating.
She will not die. At least not any time soon. I literally started sweating from relief. Did you know that? That a person can start sweating from relief? I NEVER EVER heard of that before but I have experienced it myself today.
After some 20 minutes I left. I was too energized to work. I didn’t buy the brownie nor the apple pie but I did treat myself on some sort of wild buffalo hamburger meat and some whole-wheat panini as an alternative. My best friend texted me to compliment me with yesterday’s post. “Well” I said, “there is more” I told him the good news. He said: “that just made my day”. I agreed.
Rainbows over Amsterdam all the way.
This is episode 46 in a series of 100 blog posts that will be published daily during the 100 Day Warrior, a unique program around physical strength, inner wisdom and meaning. All posts are written by Atalwin Pilon, founder of Basic Goodness and creator of the 100 Day Warrior. For requests for motivational speaking, in-company workshops, online coaching and mindfulness training click here. If you would like to join our international community of brave and inspiring human beings or just follow this blog and receive updates, please click here or sign up on the right side of the page. Atalwin specializes in coaching smart and creative people, both groups and individuals. If you are interested in a free coaching session click here.
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