This is us. This is us after 3 weeks of warrior practice. We had a ‘before’ pic in mind but things happened and it became a ‘3 weeks into the 100 Day Warrior program’ pic. We are not the same people that started the program. On this pic we have 17,25 kg less body fat and 9,29 kg more muscle mass than 3 weeks earlier. That’s just the physical effects of 21 days of training. You can read about the reported mental effects of 38 days of warrior training here.
From top left, clock wise:
Atalwin Pilon (me), founder at Basic Goodness
Arent Benthem, founder at in60seconds
Pirke Bergsma, founder at PirkeProductions
Tommy Kleerekoper, co-founder at TANK Interior Design & Branding
Sanne Schenk, co-founder at TANK Interior Design & Branding
Esther Overmars, strategy director at Universal Media
Erika Vocking, founder at IamErika Productions
This is episode 40 in a series of 100 blog posts that will be published daily during the 100 Day Warrior, a unique program around physical strength, inner wisdom and meaning. All posts are written by Atalwin Pilon, founder of Basic Goodness and creator of the 100 Day Warrior. For requests for motivational speaking, in-company workshops, online coaching and mindfulness training click here. If you would like to join our international community of brave and inspiring human beings or just follow this blog and receive updates, please click here or sign up on the right side of the page. Atalwin specializes in coaching smart and creative people, both groups and individuals. If you are interested in a free coaching session click here.
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