Good Men Keep Their Back Straight (And Their Heart Open)
A Workshop For Men
In January I caused some commotion on the The Good Men Project by defending and explaining the Psycho Bitch From Hell phenomenon. As a consequence we came up with the idea to organize workshops for both men and women. I have been applauded by various NYC women on Facebook for suggesting answers to the following questions. It is safe to say that women appreciate these features and we can always improve, no? Here goes:
- would you like to learn how to stay more present and calm (without becoming cold) during difficult and confusing situations (with or without women)?
- Or want to know how she can experience you as strong without finding you a jerk?
- Want to learn how to be gentle without becoming spineless?
- Want to get rid of some of your blind spots?
The set-up of the workshop allows you to have a profound and potentially life transforming experience.
The workshop will be ‘experiential’ which means that you will actually feel calmer, stronger, wiser and more compassionate afterwards. You will realize a potential of courage, compassion and integrity in yourself that will amaze you: you will find your inner Noble Warrior. Also, you will experience meditative states and inner peace. If you do it for the first time it can be a pretty spectacular experience. Not unimportant: you will have a lot of fun. You will become a more complete man.
I need your help to spread the word
If you have been following my story for a while you know what I try to do. I try to live from a place of basic goodness and help and inspire others to do the same. I have been traveling the globe since January 2012 to contribute to the growth of as many people as possible. I feel the world needs inspiring and noble leadership and I have been and am searching for inspiring people who match that profile. To be able to continue my journey it is pretty important that we find participants and my network in NYC is not that big. So please share this message with all people from NYC you know, using email and all social media you find effective. If you are on Facebook please click here and click ‘maybe attending’. From that moment you can invite all your FB friends. I promise I will my utter best to give your friends a great day.
Date: Saturday March 16th
Time: 10 am – 6 pm (please arrive at 9.30 am)
Costs: $150 (including an excellent lunch, tea, fruit & refreshments)
Participants: 15 – 25
Location: The Bhakti Center, 25 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10003
Registration: please use PayPal only and transfer $ 150,- to Please mention date and name workshop in the message box.
For questions or more information, email Atalwin Pilon
Sebastiaan Meijer says
Hi Atalwin, I’m reading your posts with very much interest from the very beginning. Since your blogs on sexuality however, your website is blocked by (several) internet filters for its explicit content/language. I’m not discouraging you naming things that are important in life. I’m just pointing this out so you realize this internet restriction may affect the reach of your posts. Please continue the writing I enjoy so much. Love, Sebastiaan (Bas) Meijer