I am in Hong Kong and I am “going commercial” with my workshops (but will offer free Skype Coaching every Friday, more about that later in this post). It is kind of strange, new, interesting, humbling and exciting. But for some reason it fits: I think I am in the commercial center of the world. And if this is not the center is certainly is one of them. I am the new kid, offering inner peace and courage in a money-driven rat race as a service to those who need it.
I arrived last Sunday (yeah, I know, it’s Thursday and this is my first post: I needed some time to regain my writing rhythm). I flew from Delhi to Bangkok, stayed there for one night and then proceeded to Hong Kong. I was an amazing change of vibe to go from India to Asia. I am not really sure if India is officially part of Asia but it is certainly very different. I could not help myself laughing when I entered a train in Bangkok. Not only was the floor clean: it was actually shiny and spotless. Not the smallest piece of paper was on the floor, not one piece of chewing gum. And – believe it or not – in Hong Kong it was even cleaner.
To be honest: I find the cleanliness and the orderly traffic a relief. There is a lot of material wealth here but there seems to be more class and modesty than in Beirut for example. Perhaps it is because everybody has earned their houses andcars with hard work. You can say this city is greed driven but you can certainly not say that there is even a hint of laziness to be found anywhere. At least: I haven’t seen it (but I have been here only a few days).
I have given 3 workshops in the last three days: an “Introduction Workshop” on Monday, “Female Bonding” on Tuesday and “Mindfulness for Business Warriors” last night. Tonight I will give a workshop on Personal Leadership. The groups were still small but we had some beautiful results already. It never ceases to amaze me how big the impact of even the simplest exercises can be. My participants say they feel light, quiet, healed or changed and the effect lasts sometimes for more then 24 hours. The only thing I do is making it a bit easier for the ego to take a step back and thus allow my participants to feel something that comes closer to their authentic self, at least temporarily.
Another small miracle: for the second time since my Kundalini rising experience in India I felt that something in my energy field was changing or moving something in the energy field of the person I was working with. The first time it felt somewhat violent, this time was gentler. My client was very happy afterwards and felt healed. I was happy that it went smoother then the first time but I did develop a headache afterwards. I guess I will need to learn more to be less negatively affected myself. We will see how it goes; I still haven’t done it consciously, so far it just happened.
About Free Friday: since from now on I will be visiting more developed countries with reliable internet I thought it would be nice to work one day per week for free. If you would like to do a Skype session with me, you are welcome. This way I can also do something for you, my reader. From now on I will do my best to be available every Friday. It goes both ways: I am very curious what will happen and to whom I will end up speaking. I look forward to the adventure. If you are interested please click the contact button and share this offer with your friends. Oh, and if you are from Hong Kong you can meet me in the flesh too. Email me for the workshop program or to book a session.
EDIT: Oh! I almost forgot! Last Monday I did an interview for the radio. I was nice. We talked about mindfulness and warriorship. i was a bit nervous in the beginning but the presenter had good questions and gave me time to talk which made me relax. I think the interview is somewhere online. I will try to post it if i find it. For now just the two pictures I got.
Do you appreciate what I am doing? Please support me and my journey by recommending and sharing my posts on Facebook. It is such a small effort and really important (let me explain). And please consider making a financial, moral or relational contribution. Your help means a lot (read here how amazing it feels).
Yes Atalwin, India is a part of Asia, officially. Also due to the wide range of culture, languages, religion and beliefs India is considered The Indian Subcontinent. But certainly when you compare the trains you won’t believe it is a part of asia!!! ( Geographically india resided right beside south africa millions of years ago, continental drift (a phenomenon) moved it to its present location. (what was it thinking?!))